A strategic partner for dance businesses.

I help the dance community thrive with the power of

Paid Media

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Hi, I'm Natalie!

I founded Creative Alliance Marketing because I wanted to help dance businesses succeed at achieving their goals and spread the joy of dance to as many lives as possible.

Why dance business? Because I'm a former dancer! Before marketing, it was dance.

It has always been important to me that my job is creative and made an impact. And it does! I love what I do because it combines two things I'm passionate about...

...marketing and dance!

Let's Work Together

Grow your dane enrollment with the power of paid media


Creative Alliance Marketing is a strategic partner for dance businesses. I leverage the power of paid media to drive traffic to your studio in the simplest way possible.


I build the BIG PICTURE strategy necessary to drive profits and create sustainable enrollment with paid traffic.

I am an expert at running Facebook & Instagram ads. I use my expertise to take the work of FINDING and ATTRACTING new students off of you! Once set up my methods are a well-oiled machine proven to drive results on autopilot.

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Free Training

How would you like to have a continuous stream of inquiries, new registrations, and fully booked classes? 

I show you how to make that possible in my free training! Access it today.

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Why Digital Marketing

You can have an amazing product or service but if the right audience isn't aware of it then you will never see the results you want.

Think about how many times you've learned about a new product or service that you otherwise would have never gone looking for if it wasn't presented to you through a "random" ad on your newsfeed or search results.

The targeting capabilities of Ads Manager is exactly what you need to find the right audience for your business. It's time to start using digital advertising to your advantage. 

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